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tiistai 5. heinäkuuta 2016

Towards the 21st Century Education

Removable schools

The Finnish schooling and education system is widely appreciated and mostly due to it’s results in international comparisons. It is also being exported to countries that will improve it’s existing schooling system.

The Finnish schooling and education system is though hardly ground breaking when inspected closer at a national level. The body and dynamics date back to the 70’ies when the state took over the educational system and converted it to resemble the Soviet model. Today the learning results in PISA research are better compared to many other countries, but the development of the system is piecemeal and aims at holding the current placement in the international competition.

In other words you should consider picking up and combining the good and worthy of the Finnish system and design a system of your own. I have developed a schooling system that grounds on the good in the Finnish system but brings in elements from today’s technological achievements and gives as a result young people a fast lane to work life without lack of motivation and years of further searching of his or hers own future branch. This method would suit especially for countries and educational systems that enhance flexible moves in order to boost the national economic growth.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Sauli Solhagen via LinkedIn. I am an experienced teacher and specialist in the Finnish schooling and education system as well as a philosopher with education and development of society in focus.

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